Degrowth is a rejection of the illusion of growth and a call to repoliticize the public debate colonized by the idiom of economism. It is a project advocating the democratically-led shrinking of production and consumption with the aim of achieving social justice and ecological sustainability. This overview of degrowth offers a comprehensive coverage of the main topics and major challenges of degrowth in a succinct, simple and accessible manner. In addition, it offers a set of keywords useful forintervening in current political debates and for bringing about concrete degrowth-inspired proposals at different levels - local, national and global. The result is the most comprehensive coverage of the topic of degrowth in English and serves as the definitive international reference. More information at: View the author spotlight featuring events and press related to degrowth at
Degrowth : a vocabulary for a new era
Degrowth : a vocabulary for a new era
Kirjan tiedot |
Lukija | Koneääni |
Muut tekijät | D'Alisa, Giacomo, toimittaja, |
Julkaisukieli | eng |
Kesto | 12 h 30 min |
Julkaisutiedot | Johanneshov MTM 2018 (Malmö MTM 2021) |
Ulkoasu | DaisyTrio 2.02 (12 h 30 min) |
Alkuteoksen tiedot | Abingdon, Routledge 2015. 220 s 978-1-138-000766. |
Asiasanat | degrowth degrowth-ajattelu ekonomisk tillväxt ekonomisk utveckling etiikka etik fattigdom hållbar utveckling kestävä kehitys köyhyys nollakasvu nolltillväxt taloudellinen kehitys talouskasvu |