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The one dollar horse

The one dollar horse

Casey Blue loves horses, but her dreams of becoming an event rider seem out of reach. One day she rescues a horse from the knacker's yard before working hard to nurse the animal back to health. In time a sleek and highly strung thoroughbred emerges from the bag of bones she rescued, so Casey sets about finding out who her horse really is. Part 1/3.

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Tekijä St. John, Lauren, kirjoittaja.
Lukija Carter Emma
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 7 h 41 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu äänikirja Daisy 2.02 (7 h 41 min)
Sarja One Dollar Horse trilogy ;1
Alkuteoksen tiedot London, Orion Children's Books 2013. 9781444006360.
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