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Confessions of a guide dog : a dog's view of his blind owner's life

Confessions of a guide dog : a dog's view of his blind owner's life

Since I first got my guide dog, I've been wondering what is really going on in that head of his. If he'd spent as much time learning to work with me, as he spent on artfully dodging his way to any dropped chips, he'd have been Guide Dog of the year. As it was, he managed to guide me down the aisle and a rock sliding mountain. He played paramedic for a day and stayed right by my side as my health got worse and worse. All this before he was 3 years old. "Confessions of a Guide Dog" is Uska's version of events, during that extraordinary first year. His "lick-n-tell" memoires are as loyal and loving as a Labrador could make them, but they do come from a dog and dogs don't lie. Expect some home truths about the human race, blind living and dog loving, all told with a humour that reflects the effect he has on people around him.

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Kirjan tiedot

Tekijä Roberts, Joanne.
Lukija Elwell Graham, Proud Elizabeth
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 2 h 11 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (2 h 11 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot 2014.
Asiasanat hund ledarhundar koira opaskoirat memoarer synskadade blinda muistelmat näkövammaiset sokeat