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Dancing in the light

Dancing in the light

On the occasion of her 50th birthday, having won an Oscar for "Terms of endearment", Shirley MacLaine is ready to resume her voyage of self-discovery. With the help of her spiritual guides, she explores her stormy but loving relationship with her parents, her feelings for Russian culture and her new lover, and goes to Santa Fe for a life-altering experience that provides a new vision of her future. Part 4.

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Tekijä MacLaine, Shirley.
Lukija Starr Pat
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 12 h 47 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (12 h 47 min)
Huomautukset Memoirs.
Alkuteoksen tiedot Bantam 1986.
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