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A fortune-teller told me : earthbound travels in the Far East

A fortune-teller told me : earthbound travels in the Far East

Warned by a fortune-teller not to risk flying, the author - a seasoned correspondent - took to travelling by rail, road and sea. Consulting fortune-tellers and shamans wherever he went, he learnt to understand and respect older ways of life and beliefs now threatened by the crasser forms of Western modernity. Yes, the fortune-teller did save him from an air-crash in Cambodia. Looking back afterwards, Terzani reckoned that “I was marked for death and instead I was reborn.”.

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Tekijä Terzani, Tiziano.
Lukija Jason Neville
Julkaisukieli eng
Alkuteos Un indovino mi disse
Kesto 18 h 47 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (18 h 47 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot Flamingo 1998.
Asiasanat matkakertomukset Kauko-Itä reseberättelser Fjärran Östern