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Stuff matters : the strange stories of the marvellous materials that shape our man-made world

Stuff matters : the strange stories of the marvellous materials that shape our man-made world

Everything is made of something. From the everyday objects in our homes to the most extraordinary new materials that will shape our future, Stuff Matters reveals the inner workings of the man-made world, the miracles of craft, design, engineering and ingenuity that surround us every day. From the tea-cup to the jet engine, the silicon chip to the paper clip, from the ancient technologies of fabrics and ceramic to today's self-healing metals and bionic implants, this is a book to inspire amazement and delight at mankind's creativity. 'Stuff Matters' explains the science and history of materials we take entirely for granted, while introducing some of humankind's most ingenious and improbable inventions.

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Tekijä Miodownik, Mark.
Lukija Fenton Brian
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 7 h 33 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (7 h 33 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot Penguin Books 2014.
Asiasanat keksinnöt luonnontieteet historia naturvetenskaper historia uppfinningar