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The magnate's manifesto

The magnate's manifesto

Jared Stone: Visionary, rebel, the tech world’s golden boy and now the most hated man on the planet after his Manifesto about women and their place in life is published! Bailey St. James: Survivor, powerful female executive, the only woman who refuses to bow down to Jared Stone and the only woman who can save him? When Jared’s manifesto makes him public enemy number 1 the only way out is to make Bailey an offer she can't refuse - a very public promotion to VP! Now, with a major deal on the line and tensions rising, can it be long before Jared and Bailey move from spreadsheets to bed sheets?.

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Tekijä Hayward, Jennifer.
Lukija Forget Delianne
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 5 h 39 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (5 h 39 min)
Sarja Mills & Boon modern
Alkuteoksen tiedot Mills & Boon 2014.
Asiasanat kärleksromaner rakkausromaanit underhållningslitteratur viihdekirjallisuus