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The rogue

The rogue

Living among the Sachakan rebels, Lorkin does his best to learn about them and their unique magic. But the Traitors are reluctant to trade their knowledge for the healing they so desperately want and, while he assumes they fear revealing their existence to the world, there are hints they have bigger plans. Part 2/3, previous part The ambassador's mission.

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Tekijä Canavan, Trudi.
Lukija Lawrence Cally
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 14 h 47 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (14 h 47 min)
Huomautukset Traitor spy trilogy.
Alkuteoksen tiedot Orbit 2012.
Asiasanat fantasiakirjallisuus fantasylitteratur