Dear thing
Dear thing
Romily's best friends Ben and Claire had tried for a baby for years, and she offered to help them. But Romily wasn't prepared for the overwhelming feelings that threaten to ruin their friendship. Now there are three friends, two mothers and only one baby, and an impossible decision to make.
Kirjan tiedot |
Tekijä | Cohen, Julie. |
Lukija | Powell Emma |
Julkaisukieli | eng |
Kesto | 11 h 26 min |
Julkaisutiedot | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Ulkoasu | talking book Daisy 2.02 (11 h 26 min) |
Alkuteoksen tiedot | Black Swan 2014. |
Asiasanat | graviditet mödrar surrogatmoderskap raskaus äidit sijaissynnytys |