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Agincourt : the king, the campaign, the battle

Agincourt : the king, the campaign, the battle

Agincourt was a turning-point not only in the Hundred Years War between England and France but also in the history of weaponry. The French army of 20,000 men was defeated by the English army of 9,000 men led by Henry V. The exceptional skill of the English archers contributed to the victory. 1,600 English soldiers died; the French lost more than 6,000 men.

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Tekijä Barker, Juliet.
Lukija Proud Elizabeth
Muut tekijät

Barker, Juliet R, V,

Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 16 h 49 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (16 h 49 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot Abacus 2006.
Asiasanat historia keskiaika sodat Britteinsaaret Englanti 1328-1498 historia keskiaika sodat Ranska 1328-1498 historia medeltiden krig Brittiska öarna England 1328-1498 historia medeltiden krig Frankrike 1328-1498