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Look to windward

Look to windward

It was one of the less glorious incidents of the Idiran wars that led to the destruction of two suns and the billions of lives they supported. Now, 800 years later, the light from the first of those deaths has reached the Culture's Masaq' Orbital. A Chelgrian emissary is dispatched to the Culture. Part 7/8, previous part Inversions.

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Tekijä Banks, Iain.
Lukija Padden Graham
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 14 h 55 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (14 h 55 min)
Huomautukset The culture.
Alkuteoksen tiedot Orbit 2000.
Asiasanat science fiction-litteratur tieteiskirjallisuus