Chasm City
Chasm City
Tanner, a security specialist, is in pursuit of Reivich, a vengeful young postmortal. Tanner ends up in Chasm City, human settlement on the planet of Yellowstone. A nanotechnological virus has corrupted the city's inhabitants, the buildings and machines. Tanner will have to confront truths which reach back centuries, towards deep space. Part 2/5, previous part Revelation space.
Kirjan tiedot |
Tekijä | Reynolds, Alastair. |
Lukija | Parsons James |
Julkaisukieli | eng |
Kesto | 23 h 32 min |
Julkaisutiedot | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Ulkoasu | talking book Daisy 2.02 (23 h 32 min) |
Huomautukset | Revelation space. |
Alkuteoksen tiedot | Gollancz 2008. |
Asiasanat | science fiction-litteratur tieteiskirjallisuus |