The girls in blue
The girls in blue
Miranda's home is destroyed in a bombing raid over London and she takes refuge with her grandparents in Dorset. She joins the WAAF to help win the war. She falls for charismatic fighter pilot Gil Maddern. Whe she learns that Gil's plane has been hit it is only the friendship of her fellow girls in blue that keeps Miranda going as she waits for news.
Kirjan tiedot |
Tekijä | Baxter, Lily. |
Lukija | Harwich Anna |
Julkaisukieli | eng |
Kesto | 12 h 30 min |
Julkaisutiedot | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Ulkoasu | talking book Daisy 2.02 (12 h 30 min) |
Alkuteoksen tiedot | Arrow 2012. |
Asiasanat | flygare militärflygare kvinnor hemmafront andra världskriget Storbritannien lentäjät sotilaslentäjät naiset kotirintama toinen maailmansota Iso-Britannia |