To the far blue mountains
To the far blue mountains
Barnabas Sackett was leaving England to make his fortune in the New World. He learned that a royal warrant had been sworn out against him and that men were searching for him in every port. If he’s caught, not only will his dream of a life in America be lost, but he will be brutally tortured and put to death on the gallows. Part 2/4, previous part Sackett's land.
Kirjan tiedot |
Tekijä | L'Amour, Louis. |
Lukija | Elstob Mark |
Julkaisukieli | eng |
Kesto | 10 h 5 min |
Julkaisutiedot | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Ulkoasu | talking book Daisy 2.02 (10 h 5 min) |
Huomautukset | Sacketts. |
Alkuteoksen tiedot | Bantam 1999. 9780553276886. |
Asiasanat | lännentarinat seikkailukirjallisuus vildavästernskildringar äventyrslitteratur |