Black holes and baby universes and other essays
Black holes and baby universes and other essays
In his first collection of essays and other pieces - on subjects that range from personal to the wholly scientific - Stephen Hawking is revealed as the scientist, the man, the concerned world citizen, and the rigorous and imaginative thinker.
Kirjan tiedot |
Tekijä | Hawking, Stephen W. |
Lukija | Text-to-speech voice IVO Amy |
Julkaisukieli | eng |
Kesto | 6 h 10 min |
Julkaisutiedot | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Ulkoasu | DaisyTrio 2.02 (6 h 10 min) |
Alkuteoksen tiedot | Bantam 1994. |
Asiasanat | esseet essäer kosmologi kosmologia mustat aukot maailmankaikkeus maailmankaikkeuden synty svarta hål universum universums uppkomst |