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A tale of Time City

A tale of Time City

Vivien has been kidnapped! She's sure that Jonathan and Sam have whisked her away to a city of the future. But Time City exists outside time and space. Trying to get back home, Vivian begins a desperate detective hunt through time to find Faber John, the builder of Time City. The City is crumbling away and only its builder can save it.

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Kirjan tiedot

Tekijä Jones, Diana Wynne.
Lukija Holloway Nina
Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 11 h 50 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu talking book Daisy 2.02 (11 h 50 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot Methuen 1987.
Asiasanat barnlitteratur lastenkirjallisuus science fiction-litteratur tidsresor tieteiskirjallisuus aikamatkat