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One cold autumn night, a woman is found hanging from a beam in her summer cottage. At first sight it appears to be a straightforward case of suicide. But when Karen, the friend who found her body, approaches Erlendur and gives him the tape of a seance that Maria had attended, his curiosity is aroused.

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Tekijä Arnaldur Indriðason.
Lukija Text-to-speech voice IVO Amy
Muut tekijät

Cribb, Victoria, translator,

Julkaisukieli eng
Alkuteos Harðskafi
Kesto 8 h 52 min
Julkaisutiedot Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Ulkoasu DaisyTrio 2.02 (8 h 52 min)
Alkuteoksen tiedot Vintage 2010.