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Looking toward the future of technology-enhanced education : ubiquitous learning and the digital native ; Catherine Adams ym.

Looking toward the future of technology-enhanced education : ubiquitous learning and the digital native ; Catherine Adams ym.

A scholarly publication presenting research in technology enhanced learning, didactic models for education, and discussion on the impact of technologies on education. Textbook.

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Adams, Catherine,

Albert, Dietrich,

Bernhardt, Thomas,

Beulens, Adriaan,

Burkle, Martha,

Carrington, Lisa,

Chen, Weiqin,

Conole, Grainne,

Czerwionka, Thomas,

de Freitas, Sara,

de Witt, Claudia,

Djupvik, Nils M,

Ebner, Martin, ed,

Fenley, Sue,

Ferry, Brian,

Hartog, Maria,

Herrington, Jan,

Holland, Janet,

Holzinger, Andreas,

Johannes, Rob,

Kappe, Frank,

Kerres, Michael,

Kervin, Lisa,

Kickmeier-Rust, Michael D,

Kirchner, Marcel,

Klebl, Michael,

Kretschmann, Rolf,

Kuszpa, Maciej,

Liarokapis, Fotis,

Mattheiss, Elke,

McAndrew, Patrick,

Mengel, Sandro,

Notari, Michele,

Ojstersek, Nadine,

Quinton, Stephen,

Reeves, Thomas C,

Reitz, Sandra,

Safran, Christian,

Schaffert, Sandra,

Schiefner, Mandy, ed,

Schrader, Claudia,

Schulenburg, Frank,

Schulmeister, Rolf,

Schwalbe, Christina,

Steiner, Christina M,

Tramper, Johannes,

van der Schaaf, Hylke,

Wannemacher, Klaus,

Weiß, Silke,

Julkaisukieli eng
Kesto 38 h 34 min
Julkaisutiedot Helsinki Celia 2013 (Helsinki Celia 2013)
Ulkoasu DaisyTrio 2.02 (38 h 34 min, 541 Mt)
Koulutusaste University
Alkuteoksen tiedot Hershey, Information Science Publishing 2010. xxix, 526 s.. 978-1-61520-678-0.
Asiasanat koulutus koulutusteknologia opetus opetusteknologia skolning undervisning undervisningsteknologi utbildningsteknologi