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Ieri, un secolo fa

Ieri, un secolo fa

Collection of twenty-three stories, written over a period of three decades, by the celebrated Italian author. The stories reflect the character of various Italian regions at different times, including the author's native Istria, as well as Trieste and Friuli. Italian language.

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Författare Tomizza, Fulvio, kirjoittaja.
Inläsare Stampa Fred
Språk ita
Speltid 7 h 12 min
Tillgänglighetsinformation kuuloon perustuva, Vaatii kuunteluohjelman, Vaatii kuuntelulaitteen, Navigointi sisällysluettelon avulla
Utgivningsuppgifter Washington NLS 2013
Fysisk beskrivning äänikirja Daisy 2.02 (7 h 12 min)
Anmärkningar ABC Global Book Service.
Originalverk Milano, Rizzoli 1985. 232 s. 88-17-66851-6.
Ämnesord Italia kertomukset