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To Sir Phillip, with love

To Sir Phillip, with love

Sir Phillip knew from his correspondence with his dead wife's distant cousin that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster. Assuming her to be a homely figure, he could not quite believe that she was the beautiful woman on his doorstep - but are they really right for each other?.

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Information om boken

Författare Quinn, Julia, kirjoittaja.
Inläsare Bard Camilla
Språk eng
Speltid 9 h 48 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Johanneshov MTM 2017 (Malmö MTM 2022)
Fysisk beskrivning DaisyTrio 2.02 (9 h 48 min)
Serie Bridgerton series, 5
Originalverk New York N.Y., Avon 2003. 9780380820856.
Ämnesord avioliitto englanninkielinen kirjallisuus historialliset romaanit Iso-Britannia jatkokertomukset kaunokirjallisuus kirjeenvaihto kosinta naiset perheet rakkaus rakkausromaanit romaanit