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His for a price

His for a price

This is all a big chess game to you, and I the convenient pawn Greek tycoon Nicodemus Stathis has never been able to forget beautiful heiress Mattie Whitaker. And now, ten years of delicious tension later, Nic finally has her right where he wants her. Matties once powerful family dynasty now lies in ruins, and only Nic can offer them a solution, a solution with vows! She might not have a choice, but Mattie refuses to be the sacrificial queen to his king. But Nic's slow, deliberate seduction wears down his new bride, and the word checkmate lies on his lips like a promise.

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Information om boken

Författare Crews, Caitlin.
Inläsare Reagan Regina
Språk eng
Speltid 5 h 48 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Fysisk beskrivning talking book Daisy 2.02 (5 h 48 min)
Serie Mills and Boon romance
Originalverk Harlequin 2014.
Ämnesord kärleksromaner rakkausromaanit underhållningslitteratur viihdekirjallisuus