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Tommo & Hawk

Tommo & Hawk

Brutally kidnapped and separated in childhood, Tommo and Hawk are reunited at the age of fifteen in Hobart. Together, they escape their troubled pasts and set off on a journey into manhood. Part 2/3, previous part The potato factory.

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Information om boken

Författare Courtenay, Bryce.
Inläsare Griffin Gordon
Språk eng
Speltid 25 h 20 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Fysisk beskrivning talking book Daisy 2.02 (25 h 20 min)
Anmärkningar The Australian trilogy ; 2.
Originalverk Penguin 2007.
Ämnesord historialliset romaanit historiska romaner