Uncle Tom's cabin
Uncle Tom's cabin
This book charts the paths from slavery to freedom of fugitives who escape the chains of American chattel slavery and of a martyr who transcends all earthly ties, and locates the issues of race and the role of women.
Information om boken |
Författare | Beecher-Stowe, Harriet. |
Inläsare | Ross Liza, Oliver Jonathan |
Språk | eng |
Speltid | 20 h 51 min |
Utgivningsuppgifter | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Fysisk beskrivning | talking book Daisy 2.02 (20 h 51 min) |
Originalverk | Wordsworth Classics 1999. |
Ämnesord | mustat orjat Yhdysvallat 1800-luku svarta slavar Förenta staterna 1800-talet |