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The sea of adventure

The sea of adventure

Recovering from measles, the children head for the coast of Scotland with Bill to recuperate. Bill soon disappears from the scene, kidnapped by a couple of unknown baddies. Our four heroes are left to fend for themselves.

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Information om boken

Författare Blyton, Enid.
Inläsare Tregear Lucy
Språk eng
Speltid 5 h 11 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Fysisk beskrivning talking book Daisy 2.02 (5 h 11 min)
Anmärkningar Adventure series.
Originalverk Macmillian Children's 1993.
Ämnesord nuortenkirjallisuus seikkailukirjallisuus ungdomslitteratur äventyrslitteratur