Under the eagle
Under the eagle
It is 42 AD and Centurion Lucius Cornelius Macro is based in Germany with the Second Legion. Macro is prepared to lead his men against any foe, but is shocked to discover that his next campaign will take him to Britain, a land of barbarity. Part 1/5.
Information om boken |
Författare | Scarrow, Simon. |
Inläsare | Griffin Gordon |
Språk | eng |
Speltid | 12 h 53 min |
Utgivningsuppgifter | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Fysisk beskrivning | talking book Daisy 2.02 (12 h 53 min) |
Anmärkningar | Cato. |
Originalverk | Headline 2008. |
Ämnesord | historia arméer Romerska riket Britannia historia armeijat Rooman valtakunta Britannia historialliset romaanit historiska romaner |