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The survivor

The survivor

It had been one of the worst crashes in airline history, with over 300 dead and only one survivor. Now the dead were buried and the town of Eton tried to forget. But Keller, the survivor, wanted to know what unseen forces had left him still alive.

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Information om boken

Författare Herbert, James.
Inläsare Cullum Andrew
Språk eng
Speltid 7 h 56 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Fysisk beskrivning talking book Daisy 2.02 (7 h 56 min)
Originalverk Pan 1999.
Ämnesord flygolyckor överlevnad kauhukirjallisuus lento-onnettomuudet henkiinjääminen skräcklitteratur