The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq
The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq
Barry Lyndon is the fictional autobiography of an adventurer and rogue. Born into the petty Irish gentry, Barry volunteers for the British army. After service in Germany he deserts and, pursues the career of a gambler. In a determined effort to enter fashionable society he marries a titled heiress but is outwitted by her and ends his days in a debtors' prison.
Information om boken |
Författare | Thackeray, William Makepeace. |
Inläsare | Cormack John |
Andra aktörer | Sanders, Andrew, editor, |
Språk | eng |
Speltid | 13 h 17 min |
Utgivningsuppgifter | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Fysisk beskrivning | talking book Daisy 2.02 (13 h 17 min) |
Serie | The World's classics |
Anmärkningar | Edited with an introduction and notes by Andrew Sanders. |
Originalverk | Oxford University Press 1984. |