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Flaubert’s parrot

Flaubert’s parrot

In the museum of Rouen crouches a stuffed parrot, Loulou, which sat on Flaubert's work-table and which he wrote into his story "Un Coeur Simple". At Croisset there is another parrot in the room where the writer often worked and - according to the gardienne - it is the very stuffed parrot Flaubert had borrowed from the Museum of Rouen! The author looks for clues.

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Information om boken

Författare Barnes, Julian.
Inläsare Logan Crawford
Språk eng
Speltid 7 h 6 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Fysisk beskrivning talking book Daisy 2.02 (7 h 6 min)
Originalverk Cape 1984.