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Ghost train through the Andes : on my grandfather's trail in Chile and Bolivia

Ghost train through the Andes : on my grandfather's trail in Chile and Bolivia

The author's grandfather was one of those railway engineers who spent more time of their lives at the far ends of the earth than at home. Almost hundred years later Michael Jacobs sets off on a journey that will follow in his grandfather's footsteps.

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Information om boken

Författare Jacobs, Michael.
Inläsare Knight Peter
Språk eng
Speltid 14 h 38 min
Utgivningsuppgifter Helsinki Celia 2007 (Helsinki Celia 2007)
Fysisk beskrivning äänikirja Daisy 2.02 (14 h 38 min)
Originalverk London, John Murray 2006 978-0-7195-6179-5 0-7195-6179-5.
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