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La Educación de Margot Sánchez

La Educación de Margot Sánchez

After 'borrowing' her father's credit card to finance a more stylish wardrobe, Margot Sánchez suddenly finds herself grounded. And by grounded, she means working as an indentured servant in her family's struggling grocery store to pay off her debts. With each order of deli meat she slices, Margot can feel her carefully cultivated prep school reputation slipping through her fingers, and she's willing to do anything to get out of this punishment. Lie, cheat, and maybe even steal... Margot's invitation to the ultimate beach party is within reach and she has no intention of letting her family's drama or Moisés-the admittedly good looking but outspoken boy from the neighborhood-keep her from her goal. Spanish language.

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Book info

Author Rivera, Lilliam, kirjoittaja.
Reader Bello Irma

Ibarzábal, Eva, kääntäjä,

Language spa
Original The Education of Margot Sanchez.
Duration 7 h 33 min
Accessibility information kuuloon perustuva, Vaatii kuunteluohjelman, Vaatii kuuntelulaitteen, Navigointi sisällysluettelon avulla
Publication info Washington NLS 2023
Physical description äänikirja Daisy 2.02 (7 h 33 min)
Notifications ABC Global Book Service.
Original publication info New York, Vintage Español 2019. 272 s. 978-1-984899-05-7.
Keywords käännökset nuor nuortenkirjallisuus ungdomslitteratur översättningar