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Cup of gold : a life of Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer, with occasional reference to history

Cup of gold : a life of Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer, with occasional reference to history

From the mid-1650s through the 1660s, Henry Morgan, a pirate and outlaw of legendary viciousness, ruled the Spanish Main. He ravaged the coasts of Cuba and America, striking terror wherever he went. Morgan was obsessive. He had two driving ambitions: to possess the beautiful woman called La Santa Roja and to conquer Panama, the “cup of gold.” Steinbeck's first novel and sole work of historical fiction, Cup of Gold is a lush, lyrical swashbuckling pirate fantasy.

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Book info

Author Steinbeck, John.
Reader Hutchinson Derek
Language eng
Duration 7 h 57 min
Publication info Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Physical description talking book Daisy 2.02 (7 h 57 min)
Original publication info Penguin 2001.
Keywords historialliset romaanit historialliset seikkailuromaanit historiska romaner historiska äventyrsböcker historiska äventyrsböcker merirosvot 1600-luku sjörövare 1600-talet