The Old Testament pseudepigrapha : Volume one : Apocalyptic literature and testaments
The Old Testament pseudepigrapha : Volume one : Apocalyptic literature and testaments
Book info |
Reader | Text-to-speech voice Microsoft Anna |
Contributors | Agourides, S, Alexander, P, Andersen, F, I, Anderson, H, Attridge, H, Baarda, T, Burchard, C, Charlesworth, James H, , ed, Cleland, James T, Collins, A, Yarbro, Collins, J, J, Darnell, D, R, Doran, R, Duling, D, C, Fallon, F, Fiensy, D, A, Gaylord, H, E, , Hanson, J, Hare, D, R, A, Harrington, D, J, Isaac, E, Johnson, M, D, Kee, H, C, Klijn, A, F, J, Knibb, M, A, Lafargue, M, Lindenberger, J, M, Lunt, H, G, Lutz, R, T, MacRae, George W, Martin, E, G, Metzger, B, M, Mueller, J, R, Pietersma, A, Priest, J, Robbins, G, A, Robertson, R, G, Robinson, S, E, Rubinkiewicz, R, Sanders, E, P, Sanders, J, A, Sandmel, Samuel, Shutt, R, J, H, Smith, J, Z, Spittler, R, P, Stinespring, W, F, Stone, M, E, Strugnell, J, Van der Horst, P, W, Wintermute, O, S, Wright, R, B, Zervos, G, T, |
Language | eng |
Duration | 139 h 15 min |
Publication info | Helsinki Celia 2015 (Helsinki Celia 2015) |
Physical description | DaisyTrio 2.02 (139 h 15 min) |
Notifications | Vain verkkoaineistona. |
Level of education | University |
Original publication info | Peabody, MA ; Hendrickson Publishers Marketing 2011. 995 p.. 978-1-59856-491-4. |