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Anti and pro-social communication : theories, methods, and applications

Anti and pro-social communication : theories, methods, and applications

This interdisciplinary resource guide includes aspects of communication and relationships. The essays focus on a different aspect of communication, examining how and why it affects our perceptions, relationships, health, and social behavior. Textbook.

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Book info

Reader Text-to-speech voice Microsoft Anna

Caravita, Simona C, S,

Cvancara, Kristen Eis,

Daughters, Karyl,

Giles, Howard,

Hadad, Diana,

Jacobi, Laura,

Juvonen, Jaana,

Karhunen, Sanna,

Kauppi, Teemu,

Kinney, Terry A, , ed,

Klatt, Colleen M,

Kokkonen, Lotta,

Maguire, Katheryn,

Mikkola, Leena,

Pure, Rebekah A,

Pörhölä, Maili, ed,

Pöyhönen, Virpi,

Rainivaara, Sini,

Reynolds, Bridget,

Sahlstein, Erin,

Salmivalli, Christina,

Speer, Rebecca,

Language eng
Duration 11 h 19 min
Publication info Helsinki Celia 2014 (Helsinki Celia 2014)
Physical description DaisyTrio 2.02 (11 h 19 min, 159 Mt)
Series Language as social action, vol. 6
Level of education University
Original publication info New York, Peter Lang 2009. 203 p. 978-1-4331-0232-5.
Keywords avvikande beteende kiusaaminen kommunikation mobbning nettikiusaaminen nätmobbning poikkeava käyttäytyminen socialt stöd sosiaalinen tuki viestintä