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The book of time : the secrets of time, how it works and how we measure it

The book of time : the secrets of time, how it works and how we measure it

This is a guide to the biggest of the 'big ideas' by one of the UK's best loved scientists and historians. Time is explained in an accessible way that makes it the perfect guide for fans of popular science.

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Book info

Author Hart-Davis, Adam.
Reader Williamson Matt
Language eng
Duration 8 h 20 min
Publication info Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Physical description talking book Daisy 2.02 (8 h 20 min)
Original publication info Mitchell Beazley 2011. 9781845335618.
Keywords aika ajanmittaus kellot ajanlasku kalenterit vuodenajat kulttuurihistoria tieteenhistoria kulturhistoria vetenskapshistoria tid tidmätning klockor tideräkning kalendrar årstider