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The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction : shorter seventh edition

The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction : shorter seventh edition

A comprehensive introduction to short stories with 72 stories by 68 authors ranging from Nathaniel Hawthorne to Andre Dubus. Textbook.

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Anderson, Sherwood,

Atwood, Margaret,

Baldwin, James,

Bambara, Toni Cade,

Barrett, Andrea,

Bausch, Richard, ed,

Beattie, Ann,

Bierce, Ambrose,

Borges, Jorge Luis,

Busch, Frederick,

Capote, Truman,

Carver, Raymond,

Cassill, R, V, , ed,

Cather, Willa,

Cheever, John,

Chekhov, Anton,

Chopin, Kate,

Conrad, Joseph,

Corngold, Stanley,

Cortázar, Julio,

Crane, Stephen,

Danticat, Edwidge,

Dodd, Susan,

Dubus, Andre,

Ellison, Ralph,

Erdrich, Louise,

Faulkner, William,

Fitzgerald, F, Scott,

Ford, Richard,

Ford, Richard,

García Márquez, Gabriel,

Gordimer, Nadine,

Gurganus, Allan,

Hannah, Barry,

Hawthorne, Nathaniel,

Hemingway, Ernest,

Hurston, Zora Neale,

Jones, Edward P,

Joyce, James,

Kafka, Franz,

Kawabata, Yasunari,

Kincaid, Jamaica,

Lawrence, D, H,

Le Guin, Ursula K,

Loomis, jr, , C, C,

Malamud, Bernard,

Mann, Thomas,

Mansfield, Katherine,

Marx, Leo,

Mason, Bobbie Ann,

Maupassant, Guy de,

McPherson, James Alan,

Melville, Herman,

Morson, Gary Saul,

Mukherjee, Bharati,

Munro, Alice,

Nabokov, Vladimir,

Oates, Joyce Carol,

O'Brien, Tim,

O'Connor, Flannery,

O'Connor, Frank,

Olsen, Tillie,

Perkins Gilman, Charlotte,

Poe, Edgar Allan,

Porter, Katherine Anne,

Roth, Philip,

Sarvan, C, P,

Singer, Isaac Bashevis,

Smith, Lee,

Steinbeck, John,

Tan, Amy,

Thurber, James,

Tolstoy, Leo,

Updike, John,

Walcutt, Charles C,

Walker, Alice,

Warren, Robert Penn,

Welty, Eudora,

Wilbur, Richard,

Williams, William Carlos,

Viramontes, Helena María,

Wolff, Tobias,

Woolf, Virginia,

Wright, Richard,

Language eng
Duration 56 h 46 min
Publication info Helsinki Celia 2013 (Helsinki Celia 2013)
Physical description DaisyTrio 2.02 (56 h 46 min, 720 Mt)
Notifications Vain verkkoaineistona.
Level of education Korkeakoulu
Original publication info London, W. W. Norton & Company 2006. shorter 7th ed. 929 p.. 978-0-393-92612-5.
Keywords noveller antologier novellit antologiat