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The anthropology of moralities

The anthropology of moralities

The book explores methodological approaches to the study of moralities. Textbook.

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Book info

Reader Text-to-speech voice Microsoft Anna

Goodale, Mark,

Heintz, Monica, ed,

Howell, Signe,

Ladwig, Patrice,

Rasanayagam, Johan,

Robbins, Joel,

Rydstrøm, Helle,

Sykes, Karen,

Widlok, Thomas,

Zigon, Jarrett,

Language eng
Duration 11 h 58 min
Publication info Helsinki Celia 2013 (Helsinki Celia 2013)
Physical description Daisy full text, full audio 2.02 (11 h 58 min)
Notifications Kirjan sisältö on saatu kustantajalta käyttöoikeussopimuksella.
Level of education University
Original publication info New York, Berghahn Books 2009. vi, 221 s.. 978-1-84545-592-7.
Keywords etiikka etik kulttuurirelativismi kulturrelativism moraali moral socialantropologi sosiaaliantropologia