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Educational psychology

Educational psychology

The book gives a set of teaching methods to demonstrate how to apply research in today’s classrooms. Different learning tools are meant to help critical thinking and comprehension. Textbook.

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Book info

Author Gage, N. L.
Reader Text-to-speech voice Brian

Berliner, David C,

Language eng
Duration 48 h
Publication info Helsinki Celia 2012 (Helsinki Celia 2012)
Physical description Daisy full text, full audio 2.02 (48 h)
Level of education University
Original publication info Boston, Houghton Mifflin 1998. 6th ed. xxiv, 676 p..
Keywords arviointi inlärning inlärningspsykologi kasvatuspsykologia kasvatustiede kognitiivinen psykologia kognitiv psykologi motivaatio motivation opetus opetusmenetelmät opiskelumotivaatio oppiminen oppimispsykologia pedagogik pedagogisk psykologi psykologia undervisning undervisningsmetoder utvärdering