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Human genome epidemiology : a scientific foundation for using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease

Human genome epidemiology : a scientific foundation for using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease

The epidemiologic approach plays an important role in the continuum from gene discovery to the development and applications of genetic tests.

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Book info

Reader koneääni Brian

Burke, Wylie, ed,

Khoury, Muin J, , ed,

Little, Julian, ed,

Language eng
Duration 44 h 24 min
Publication info Helsinki Celia 2011 (Helsinki Celia 2011)
Physical description DaisyTrio 2.02 (44 h 24 min)
Level of education Korkeakoulu
Original publication info New York, Oxford University Press 2004. 549 s. 0-19-514674-3.
Keywords genetiikka genomiikka perimä perinnöllisyystiede